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2023 July/August, ¨Displacement and the State of Being¨

under the pseudonyme of Claudette Lajoyeuse

together with Kevin Blythe Sampson and Cesar Melgar.

Photos by Daniela Belinga

Texts about can be sent to you on demand.

Sais-tu pourquoi Bouddha a été illuminé sous un figuier ?

Sais-tu pourquoi Bouddha a été illuminé sous un figuier ?

At left, offerings for the spirits, wildplants in personalised bees wax dishes and one homemade bottle of mirabelle schnaps, center: ¨Kitchengod¨, right: ¨Big Bad Fox Spirit with offerings on small pink prayer rug¨


Big Bad Fox Spirit with offering on small pink prayer rug

Kitchengod/ Chochigott/ Küchengott

2023 July


chapter 2 of: when did bitch become a bad word

A.M Art Multi-disciplines studio,

Curated by Ayan Mukherjee who is also the director and owner of the art space.

Poetry, lights, installation of works, by Ayan Mukherjee,

overall works, ideas,executions, installations, texts, research  by Daniela Belinga

11 works/drawings of fighter women in association with artist Aryama Pal, who also did research and assisted in finding materials. The tongues were executed by Saptarshi Ghosh, who also assisted during installation. Trinath Majumder did the poster design.

Texts about the project can be sent to you on demand.

Photos mostly by Ayan Mukherjee, some by Pradip Patra and some by Saptarshi Ghosh


Picture by Ayan Mukherjee

When did Bitch become a Bad Word, episode 1, 2022/2023 A.M Art Multi-disciplines studio,

curated by Ayan Mukherjee

also director and owner of the art space.Poems, light, installations also by Ayan Mukherjee.

Works, installations, texts, research, original ideas by Daniela Belinga.

One drawing on house wall, some research, assistance in finding materials, Aryama Pal.

Exhibition texts can be sent to you on demand.

Photos by Ayan Mukherjee and Daniela Belinga.


Works for the next exhibition november 2022 about female freedom fighters and my middleeuropean approach to it

small, on a wall 6.jpg
ca 1.5m x 75 cm, on a wall.jpg
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Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-17 um 17.17.07.png
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small on the wall3.jpg
Bildschirmfoto 2022-09-17 um 17.17.08.png
small somewhere hanging from the ceiling.jpg

Danse Sylvestre, EAC Les Thermes, Bourbonne, FR. June 2021, under the pseudonym of Jouve-Jeanne Pierrotte.Together with Elise Tak and Jérémy Dussaussoy. Curator Daniela Belinga. All projections before unedited works by Elise Tak, everything else by Jouve-Jeanne Pierrotte aka DBA.

ca 150-95cm hanging on a wall2.JPG

Premier Vol¨together with Samson Kambalu, under the pseudonym Gabrielle du Mêntelet-Laumont, march /april 2021, EAC Les Thermes, Bourbonne-les-Bains, FR.

8 sitespecific videos/videoprojections and Beni Flags by Samson Kambalu, drawings, collages  and skirt- and iglu-tent - skulptures by G.du Mêntelet-L. Co-curators S.K. + G. du M.-L.

invite premier vol.jpg


2019  Maison Laurentine Expedition. Site du Chameau, Châteauvillain, France : ¨Une Chose Apparaîtra¨

Installation adaptée au lieu: ¨Crèche Napolitaine pour Sainte Béline¨





                                        2016 - 2017 Hotel Val Sinestra, GR, CH


¨Aua Forta - Kunst im Val Sinestra¨

¨Ayizan¨ Goosefeathers and palmtree-raffia tackered on wooden bars, installation at the dining room of Hotel Val Sinestra


12 artists from all over the world show sitespecific work.
One author (Arno Camenisch), one theorist (Kurt Derungs) and one curator (Frederikke Hansen) speak and perform.
One singer will sing. (Sarah Studer)
The place is extraordinary.

Lost at the end of a small swiss mountain valley, 
the former spa hotel opens up its doors to the artists creating different worlds, to the guests to enter those worlds and transform them further.
The extraordinairy regional mythologies and geologies enhance the procedure.
Participating artists, theorists, singer:
Frederikke Hansen:
Renate Lerch:
René Müller
Sarah Studer - Bangerter
Jacqueline Weiss:

We are supported by: 
Kulturförderung Graubünden CH
Südkulturfonds CH
Cumün da Scuol CH
Danish Arts Foundation@kunstfond DNK
Sponsored by:
Bertschinger Walo AG Scuol, CH
Gruppe Gut, Bozen
Ensuite, Lukas Vogelsang
Ernst Göhner Stiftung
Corporaziun Energia Engiadina


¨Sirena¨ Installation made of goosefeathers and leashfibres tackered on wooden bars, in the foreground. Background: ¨Untitled¨ mixed media on canvas by Mario Benjamin  in the dininghall of Hotel Val Sinetra (Picture copyright by M. Benjamin)

¨Sirena¨ Installation made of goosefeathers and leashfibres tackered on wooden bars,​  Hotel Val Sinestra

Sight on the installation from the entrance  of the screed. Foreground: ¨Showgirls¨ Oil and resin on japanese paper. Picture copyright M. Benjamin

¨Showgirls¨ seen from the other side  backlighted, installation, screed of Hotel Val Sinestra

¨Gigantesque Dreamcatcher¨ Tinted imported goosefeathers tackered on a net of  cottonribbons, Screed of Hotel Val Sinestra

Port - au- Prince, Haiti, working space of Atis Rezistans 2016/2017, Museum E Pluribus Unum


¨Legba Kap Vomi Lajen¨


Ideas and concept and a lot of bloody work: Robert Louis + Daniela Belinga as an ARTIST DUO. February and March 2016,

Port au Prince, Haiti (​)

Daniela invited by Robert to work at Atis Rezistans working space. Thanks for that Robert. Thanks to Andre Eugene (Atis Grann Rezistan) for letting us work in his working space and for his openness and friendlyness.

Thanks to Syndia Leonce (Artist) for doing the Vèvès. Thanks to Patrick (Artist and Masterdrummer) for assisting us. Thanks to Baka (Artist) for Assisting us. Thanks to all the other artists of the space for their interest. ( For the many ¨assemblées generales¨)  ;-)

Installation out of wooden masks, portraits pastel on japanese paper and cardboard, old rags coming as donations from USA and Europe, tree branches, plastic cuvettes for washing clothes or selling stuff used by women, paperboards, turkey feathers.

We have many other titles: they are written on the cardboards:


¨Blan kap pwofite ayisyen¨

¨Wennt mi nomol aluegsch hau der eis id fresse¨


¨Christ reviens¨

¨Sex Tourism¨

¨Volè Kochon¨

many others


The work was activated by a ...priest...march 23. All of this to give us the possibility to make the spirit powers of vodou work for us to get money from swiss state art foundations and make bit more then half of it travel to Haiti.

Robert Louis and i use each others special powers to make that money appear.

Robert as artist and vodou initiate who can make that magic work. And me as an elder experienced and neurotic swiss woman and artist who has access to that money.

( And being interested in vodou in a psychological and philosophical way.)

That last is the basic concept.

Then, with the work in process, the vodou worked in a way, meaning all the hidden energies (fears, jalousies, historic prejudices of all included persons exploded at several moments, that is what was written as titles on the cardboards)

As above

As above

As above

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As above

chte schreiben, damit Ihre Nutzer Sie kennenlernen

As above

                               As above: with Robert Louis at Atis Rezistans, Port au Prince, Haiti 2016

                               ¨Money vomitting Legba and single mother with a knife¨ 









Zimmermannhaus Brugg CH, Kunst &Musik, State Gallery  2015


¨To Trespass (and to connect) Zimmermannhaus, Kunst und Musik, State Gallery, 5200 Brugg- CH 2015

Installationsansicht: ¨Ragtime im Rumpelkämmerchen/Im Rumpelkämmerchen wird gefestet¨

Zweierausstellung: Im oberen Stock zeigte Antal Thoma seine Arbeit!

IcOh bin ein Textabschnitt. Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren eigenen Text hinzuzufügen und mich zu bearbeiten. Hier OOilSie eine Geschichte schreiben, damit Ihre Nutzer Sie besser kennenlernen.

To Trespass (and to connect) Zimmernannhaus, Kunst und Musik, State Gallery, Brugg-CH, May 2015

Installation: Ragtime im Rumpelkämmerchen/Im Rumpelkämmerchen wird gefestet

Zweierausstellung: Im oberen Stock zeigte Antal Thoma seine Arbeit!



As above!

As above!

                                                   As above!


Nyau!  (Is it Nyau?)  Eac les Halles, Porrentruy, CH 2014, groupwork together with Samson Kambalu and Kurt Ryslavy.


                                                                              (Is it Nyau?)Eac les Halles, Porrentruy, 2014, groupwork together with Samson Kambalu and Kurt Ryslavy.

   Curator: Philippe Queloz

  ¨Rapunzel hat zuviel Selbstmitleid, deshalb bekommt sie Rückendeckung¨

   Oil, pastel and giftpaper on cotton and stitched together cardboard, outcuts glued and pinned on it. Ca 2,5x4m. Floating sculpture, cardboard mobilet 



Nyau!                                                                        ¨GIB IHM SAURES!¨ oder ¨Ausloten¨Ca 2.5x3.5m All as written above.n

Nyau!  2014               ¨Sich den Himmel nehmen mit Rückendeckung.¨   Ca 2,5 x3.5 m. All as written above..

I          Oil on paper, 150x190cm, 2013

¨Rita Ora hat eine schwankende Identität¨ch bin 

  Personal Expo, at ¨State Gallery  Zimmermannhaus¨Brugg-CH

  May 2012

¨Investigation of my parrot soul¨


                      Same as written left

Same as written above left

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