Drawings 2012 - 2022

¨Oberwasser¨ mit Helene Sperandio (Danke Helene die Du das aufgerissen hast!)
LOKAL 14, Zürich, Juni 2016 , (von Michael Nitsch, danke Michael für deine Freundlichkeit und Grosszügigkeit! )
Helene und Daniela haben Oberwasser. Einer von Helenes Inspiratoren, Mendel, Ordenspriester aus Tschechien, züchtet Erbsen im Garten und gewinnt Klarheit über Vererbung und Verwandschaft. Helene und Danielas Wahlverwandschaft lässt bei beiden durch Teilfusion veränderte Geschichten entstehen. Daniela, in der Enstehenszeit der Ausstellung damit beschäftigt, grosse Tagebuchseiten zu bemalen und beschreiben, spürt ihren wild wogenden Gefühlen nach und leistet sich den Luxus, durch das Annehmen von verschiedenen Gestalten, die nach Wut und Verzweiflung aus Ihrem Unbewussten aufs Papier steigen, etwas Boden unter die Füsse zu geben, damit das Ober- oder Überwasser sie nicht über Bord haut. Sie wässert sich im Untertellerwasser von Helenes Erbsenzucht. Dort nimmt sie genügend Mineralien auf, sodass Sie sich, aus Ihrer prinzessinnenmässigen Altersschwäche heraus, langsam zuerst auf die Knie erhebt und dann ganz dasteht. Lange lag sie da unten, halbtot am Mineralien lappen. Dort entstand die Schaffenskraft, gegeben zum Schaffen einer neuen Mixtur aus Kakerlacke und Biene. Die schönen Bienen mit ihrem gestreiften weichen Fell haben Schwierigkeiten. Zusammengemixt mit den üblen Kakerlaken, vor denen sich alle grausen, sind sie ein neues Modell, das wohlgemut in die Zukunft blickt. Nicht vergessen, Daniela lebt praktisch direkt neben der Beznau. Sie braucht das.


¨Oberwasser¨ Figur und Skulpur: Daniela Belinga, Projektion: Helen Sperandio



¨Les Quatre Saisons¨, group show curated by Elise Tak and Issa Sow. Issyra Gallery, Hoboken, New Jersey.
Generously invited by artist/curator/programm director: Elise Tak, and artist and gallery owner: Issa Sow.
Opening: July 3 , open until august 28, 2015. Showing together with John Tomlinson, Joe Gilmore and Eugene Hyon.
The new exhibition 'Les Quatre Saisons (The Four Seasons)' at Issyra Gallery features the work of four artists whose work is inspired by very personal emotions, ranging from the joyfulness of spring to the warmth of summer, the falling of the leaves in autumn and the darkness of winter.
Daniela Belinga (lives and works in Switzerland) will present her work 'We are family, I got all my sisters with me'. (Title of a ¨Sister Sledge¨Song. Coming from far and having little money, she brings along her huge drawings of figures folded into her suitcase, unfolding and tacking them on cardboard for the show. The figures represent persons of her real and her ‘ghost family’. Daniela needs their energy and protection during the opening of the exhibition. Whenever she feels like it, she can hide behind them and use them as masks.

Same as above: at right Issa Sows work, at the bottom right, Joe Gilmores work, several traditional african artworks.

Same as above......¨Tanoura Dancer and different spinning tops.¨
¨ The four seasons¨being our expo title and mentioned in the text about tanoura dance philosophy, came into my work by chance, when looking for pictures of spinning tops and dervish dancers:
The philosophical idea behind the tanoura dance :
The dancers wear a white dress. Then they wear some colorful skirts over the white dress. the dancers start whirling on music and present different colors of their colorful skirts to communicate a message that we are living in a colorful world. We are indulging in many non-spiritual activities through out the life. Finally they remove all the colorful skirts and appear in white dress to quote the message that everything left here at the time of salvation,
young man dressed in a yellow skirt with four colours representing the four seasons of the year, and other dancers wearing a different colour that varies in reflection of different planets rotating around the sun.
The Tanoura dervish dance is originally a religious cultural contemplative practice, where you might get the feel of a spiritual connection behind all these swirls and turns, the groove, the music and the colours are just overwhelming.
It is said that it reflects the relationship of the earth, sky, God and man, connecting them all through that deep and oriental dance. Specially when a dancer opens his arms wide open receiving God’s acceptance and beneficence.

Same as above: ¨Tanoura Dancer ¨and ¨Muttertier auf Abwegen¨ sorrounded by traditional african artwork.

Same as above: ! ¨Der neueste Trick!¨

Same as above: ¨Flowers for the bride!¨

Same as above! ¨Montrer les seins!¨

Same as above, made for and brought over the ocean, but not enough space, which i infact knew...anyway it was made for the same expo:
and it is called:

¨Nyau ¨with Kurt Ryslavy and Samson Kambalu ¨Is Rumpelstiltskin a loser???¨ Silhouette, (Decolleté) de papier, collée sur papier de japon, ca A1. Edition limitée , numerotée 1 - 10 et signée
pour EAC Les Halles Porrentruy. , Porre
Lors de notre expo ¨Nyau¨en 2014 rUMP

¨¨ Art kommt von Artemis¨ 2014 State Gallery Zimmermannhaus Brugg - CH oup show
Group showhaus Brugg¨ bin ein Textabschnitt. Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren eigenen Text e

Same as Aboveer Sie besser kennenlernen.

Same as aboveI

waiting quietly for her chance!¨

...blaues Auge¨

..was gibt verrückte Gedanken.¨

....mit Schmetterlingshut, dank dem Sie sich doch noch so aufrecht durch die Menge kämpfen kann.¨
Serie peinte pour : ¨¨Autour de Frederic Bruly Bouabré, T&T Art Contemporain, 2013/2014, Jarry, Guadeloupe, invité par Thierry Alet. Ca A5 et sur papier de japon (ou himalaya)

etymologically...believe it or not! Go look it up in the net! StillerkilleR and Fuckaluck......and FookafucK ¨ ca A1

Ca A1

ca A2

...mathematical knots¨ Ca A2

..is got a problem with a friendly but gnarling dog. the dog s got a horrible garlic breath¨ ca A2

oil on japanese paper, 97x129cm juin 2014

...now wearing sunglasses while dining with bloody king¨

Describe your image here

patiently in the hotel lobby. meanwhile Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse are locked in the service room....dog comes along with horrible garlic breath¨

2 x ca A1

..the big bear goddess¨ outcuts on japanese paper. ca A1

...in your stupid head¨ und ¨Art kommt von Artemis, the big bear goddess¨ Ca A1

oil on japanese paper, 97x129cm june 2014

...up to no good! plans to eat the cat! 2 x ca A1

..to dine with bloody king!¨ Ca A2

stepmother in the eye!¨ Ca A2

2 x ca A1

...having helpfull insights though not being at his clearest¨ 2 x ca A1
¨Art kommt von Artemis¨¨StillerkilleR, Fookafuck and Fuckaluck und Kakerlak¨, 2014 all on japanes paper.¨ fook